MS Overview of Alternative Treatments

by Christina White When

I started searching nine years ago for protocols, treatments, vitamins, herbs, and drugs that might make a difference in the progress of MS, I did not realize all the nutritional territory I would cross in that search. I also did not realize how little consensus there would be on what helped. It did not take long before I realized that what helped one person tremendously, did not help the next five or ten people at all. It also became quickly apparent that the nutritional and alternative treatment interventions worked much better in early relapsing remitting cases, and that is really where the biggest help can be given.

In the following two pages I will give a brief overview of some of the nutrients, protocols and treatments that may be able to effect the progress of MS for some people. The ones that have been written about in the New Horizons newsletter will have the issue identified in parentheses.

Following that will be a section of well-researched and referenced articles about MS from Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, along with specific tests they offer that may be useful to MS patients in monitoring their response to different protocols.

Over and over I have seen MS patients worsen when their lives become more stressful. A surprising effect from stress was discovered and reported by researchers in 1996 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, while studying the effects of a drug given to soldiers engaged in the Gulf War. Almost 25% of the soldiers reported neurological side effects when a drug given to protect them against chemical weapons unexpectedly crossed the blood-brain barrier in higher amounts than expected. The same drug given to soldiers in peace time resulted in only 8% of soldiers reporting symptoms. A study with mice was then undertaken in which they were given the same drug the soldiers had been given and then put in highly stressed conditions. The group of unstressed mice required 100 times more of the drug to get it past the BBB. It has also been shown that weeks and days prior to the formation of new brain plaques, the blood brain barrier weakens and becomes more permeable (Winter 2000-Spring 2001).

Several supplements are known to support the health of the blood brain barrier: BIOFLAVONOIDS, like PYCNOGENOL, GRAPE SEED EXTRACT, and BILBERRY as well as VITAMIN B1 (also fat-soluble B1 as BENFOTIAMINE) may have direct effects, while GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT and OMEGA 3 or KRILL FISH OILS may work indirectly through their anti-inflammatory capacity. Obviously, it also is prudent for all MS sufferers to also work at reducing all kinds of stress in their lives (Fall 2001).

The anti-inflammatory supplements that have demonstrated benefits in mice models of MS or in human MS patients include:

  1. CURCUMIN the active compound from the spice tumeric (Spring 2003);
  2. the potent anti-oxidant FERULIC ACID which neutralizes the free radicals superoxide, nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical, as well as increasing gamma-interferon, and reversed MS-like symptoms in mice (Winter 2004).
  3. ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID in dosages of 1200 mg reduced the activity of the inflammatory compound MMP-9 in the spinal column of MS patients (Spring 2005).
  4. LUTEOLIN supplementation has demonstrated reduction of autoreactive T-cells, reduced inflammation and axonal damage in the central nervous system on an experimental model of MS in mice (Spring 2005).
  5. The powerful inhibitor of the inflammatory 5-lipoxygenase pathway, 5-LOXIN (Fall 2005) from the BOSWELLIA HERB, may help reduce inflammation in the brain.
  6. Many anecdotal reports of improvement in neurological disorders have been reported from the consumption of significant amounts of OMEGA 3 FISH OILS, 2 to 5 grams (Winter 2002), or from KRILL OIL.
  7. GLUCOSAMINE has recently been reported to reduce CNS inflammation and demyelination in a mouse model of MS (J Immunol, 2005 Dec 1: 175;175 [11]:7202-8).
  8. Several other herbs or supplements with anti-inflammatory or anti-oxidant capabilities have received anecdotal support from some people for their use in MS:

HORMONE MODULATION: PROGESTERONE, TESTOSTERONE, ESTRIOL The hormone progesterone enhances the remyelination of nerve fibers and stimulates neuron growth. Both women and men can have low amounts of it. Low levels of progesterone, testosterone or estriol, may be the precipitating factor for many women whose stable MS becomes worse when they begin peri-menopause or menopause. Several MS patients have reported to me that saliva hormone testing ( has revealed low testosterone levels; testosterone can be related to muscle strength. Dr. Rhonda Voskuhl, of the University of California, reported (Summer 2005) that women with relapsing-remitting MS demonstrated symptom improvement, as well as decreases in MRI-detected brain lesion activity during treatment with the 8 mg of the protective estrogenic hormone estriol.

Over the years many researchers have tried to find a direct viral link to the development of MS. Although many different viruses have been considered, the most likely candidates have been chlamydia pneumoniae or HHV-6A. The recent publication of the results of research with marmoset monkeys injected with HHV-6A, who subsequently developed signs of autoimmune demyelination of the nervous system, has again re-ignited interest in this virus as a causal link.

3 to 4.5 mgs LOW DOSE NALTREXONE Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN is an alternative protocol for MS taken as a 4.5 mg pill before bed (Winter 2003). Hundreds of MS patients have reported benefits from its use, although there are still some who have not. A thorough article discussing how LDN may work for MS by Dr. Agrawal was published in our Spring 2005 issue.

The Brewer Science Library has been offering information about Dr. Nieper’s injectable Calcium EAP protocol for MS patients for the last 25 years. A survey of almost 300 MS patients on Dr. Nieper’s protocol resulted in high percentages of them reporting improvement of various symptoms.

Tovaxin is a promising injectable vaccine that is prepared from each MS patient’s own blood. The reactive T-cells are identified, separated out, replicated, irradiated to inactivate them, and prepared for injection into the MS patient they originally came from (Fall 2005). Early responses of some of the study’s participants look very positive.

Many other approaches have resulted in the reduction of symptoms in MS patients, including: enzyme therapy, electro-magnetic therapy, colloidal silver use, and various protocols designed to remove heavy metals, particularly mercury. 

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