Excerpted from, Cancer: The Mechanism Involved and a High pH Therapy, 1978 papers of A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D. & co-authors, Copyright A. Keith Brewer Foundation, 325 N. Central Ave., Richland Center, Wis, 53581.
My interest in cancer began in the early 1930s. In my mass spectrographic research on the abundance of the isotopes of potassium in nature I found that the 39K/41K ratio in ocean water was constant to at least 6 significant figures. In contrast living plant and animal tissues had a slightly higher ratio, the deviation being an inverse function of the amount of calcium in the tissue. A marked exception to the above was found in embryonic and rapidly growing tissues. Here the abundance ratio was close to 14.35 as compared to 14.2000 for ocean water, and 14.20 to 14.25 for normal tissues. Dead tissues in contrast gave a higher ratio very close to 13.80.
I tried several places to get cancer tissue to test, but at the time was unable to do so, Finally after I had published several papers on potassium isotopes I received a letter from Dr. Arthur Lasnitzki, at Birmingham, stating that he would provide the samples if I would make the tests. This was welcome news. I received a very large number of cancer samples of all kinds, mouse, rat and man, both young and old. All these samples gave the same potassium isotope abundance ratio as embryonic tissues, that is 14.35. There was this difference between the two tissues however; the cancer tissues were essentially free from calcium.
A detailed study was carried out to determine the mechanism involved in the isotope effect in cancer and embryonic tissues, and the opposite effect in dead tissues. It was found that in cancer tissues the ratio of atoms passing through the membrane was a direct function of the ratio in which they struck the bounding medium of the membrane with sufficient force to penetrate the steep potential gradient across the membrane. The lighter isotope struck the membrane surface the more readily. In the case of dead tissues the mechanism was entirely different. Here the attachment was due to selective adsorption; in the case of all atoms the heavier the atom the greater the residual electron acceptor field of the nucleus.
The detailed research I carried out on membrane action showed clearly that the prime contributing factor is to be found in the electrodynamics of the P=O radical which characterizes the cell membrane surfaces. Carcinogens are types of compounds that will form permanent attachments to energized P=O radicals. When such substances combine with the P=O radicals it is then no longer possible to raise the bond into the energized state. In the unenergized state Ca++, Mg++, and Na+ cations which transport oxygen into the cell can no longer enter. In contrast potassium which carries glucose into the cell can still enter. In the absence of oxygen the cell loses its pH control and becomes acid, and thus turns into the cancerous state. It is surprising that so few of those working on cancer today have any understanding of the significance of the energized state. I believe that I am one of the few people who has ever studied ion transport across membranes, and also the fluorescence and phosphorescence of membrane surfaces.
The therapy I am proposing is one of changing the pH of the cancer cell from acid to alkaline. This is entirely possible since as already stated, the cancer cells have lost their pH control mechanism. In the alkaline, high pH condition the acid toxins of the cancer cell are neutralized and rendered nontoxic. It is these acid toxins, and not the tumor lump per se, that bring about the death of the host. In the high pH condition the life of the cancer cell is short. The dead cancer cells are readily absorbed by the system and eliminated.
There are areas of the earth where the incidences of cancer are very low. An analysis of the foods in these areas shows them to be very high in cesium and rubidium. It is these elements, which are absent in modern commercial foods, that prevent cancer growth. I am convinced that it is food that causes cancer, but it is the food we don't eat and not the food we do eat. The patent application listed in this book describes a means for introducing the essential elements into the modern diet.
Let us hope for the day when cancer has passed into history.
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